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Essential Living

Central European allure for Deck, an oak wood with a subtly classic appearance. The colour range available and the slightly rough surface texture make these long strip tiles, in two sizes (25×150 and 22,5×90), a simple, linear contemporary choice in keeping with a natural mood.


Wood Grain Tile

Deck comes in six mainly warm shades, ranging from the lighter Dawn and Flare, with a clearly North European air, through the intermediate shades of Day and Bright to the darker Dusk and Blaze; the patterns also follow this gradual shift, becoming more marked as the colour darkens, enriched with a variety of degrees of shading for a more or less even effect. Thanks to its subtle appeal, evident in the shades and patterns available, Deck is suitable both for domestic and retail areas, where it helps to create a natural effect of rare beauty even in a varied setting.


25x150 cm / 10”x60” R
22.5x90 cm / 9”x36” R


Room settings
Living Room
Retail & Hospitality

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