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Not just a land of great wines, Burgundy is world famous for its architectural heritage, dominated by a particularly fine finishing stone: Pierre de Bourgogne.


The collection offers a tasteful synthesis of two versions of the famous French stone: the more restrained, minimalist Noble and Ancienne, timeworn stone rich in contracts, in an exclusive, extremely contemporary combination with a three-dimensional texture, Ligne. The Mapierre collection is designed for the creation of modular installation patterns with a timeless flavour, such as Opus Spaccatella, comprising 2 sizes, 20x20 and 20x30, mixed and boxed together for variegated, sophisticated, extremely natural layouts. Opus Spaccatella is obtained by processing the finished product: edges are given an irregular, never repetitive “broken” finish to create the real look of split stone. In more modern interiors, the sizes enable the design of refined, uniform spaces where the floors and walls run seamlessly into one-another in perfect harmony.



6,5 mm (120x278 cm)

9,5 mm (30x60 cm, 60x120 cm, 80x80 cm, 60x60 cm, 120x120 cm, 20x20 cm, 20x40 cm)

20mm (120x120 cm, 80x80 cm)

    We will be delighted to help you to create a unique and functional interior which meets all your requirements and desires. Please call us for more detailed information about services and prices. We are certain that we can make an interior which reflects your personality and style

    The information on the site is not a public offer, according to Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    Kazan, 420097
    Dostoevsky 57

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